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October 6, 2022

What Startups Need to Grow: Coyotiv Collaboration

We know that building a product is hard.

Building a great engineering team while trying to develop a product is harder.

Ensuring you have a sustainable engineering culture while also trying to grow your team is the hardest of all.

Let’s say you’ve done it all. You have to keep an eye on the clock. The competition today is also a race against time.

That’s where Coyotiv comes into play

After years of building, testing, and innovating products, Coyotiv’s team of talented software engineers, product managers, and designers is ready to elevate your efforts to a whole new level.

We partner with you in our signature model, CTO-and-a-team-as-a-service, where we provide a fractional CTO in addition to a team that will work with you full-time. In this formula that we brewed over decades of experience, we scale up your engineering efforts and introduce a sustainable product engineering culture.

Unlike any other outsourcing company, Coyotiv is not just building software for companies. We offer you a team that has grown together and a partnership where we become an integral part of your company for a while. We join your communication channels or participate in your meetings as if we are your team members until you are ready to sail on your own.

And while we are busily working on your digital product, we start hiring for you an in-house team, giving you the opportunity to resist all the pressure of “hiring a great team, quick”. During this time, we also help you shape your strategy and vision.

A proven formula for team chemistry

Coyotiv teams are already proven to be productive working together because Coyotiv is also a school. Some of our engineers are Coyotiv graduates, with a shared mindset and vision, and an understanding of productivity. There is rarely any unnecessary friction between team members. When we hire external engineers, they go through a similar journey. They are mentored in state-of-the-art engineering practices and mindsets.

We bring this “team chemistry” to the companies we work with by constant mentoring, so they ensure a higher degree of success than a team of random engineers.

A partnership that grows you

Been there, done that! Many times. Our founder, Armağan Amcalar is an entrepreneur with years of hands-on experience founding and leading multiple startups. He has led the creation of several innovative products that millions of people use daily.

That’s why Coyotiv thinks “What does a startup need?” at every step of the way. We wouldn’t want to give shares if we were an early-stage startup. That’s why we don’t ask for shares from startups in our collaboration model.

An early-stage startup would need a fully dedicated team. Thus, we maintain a fully dedicated team that works closely with the partner team throughout the process.

A startup tries to find its footing and figure out how to work, so it needs a proper management structure and ideas to survive in its industry. That’s why our founder, Armağan Amcalar, brings his experience as a CTO/software architect along with the team to provide invaluable insights and unique solutions to the company.

Our aim is not to stay with your company forever. We don’t want to share in your success. We aim to grow a sustainable engineering culture and make you independent before our collaboration ends in about a year or two.

The end result will be a product that you love, an engineering culture that lasts, and a team that will take you even further.

Too good to be true?

We often hear from founders that our signature model CTO-and-a-team-as-a-service sounds too good to be true and that there has to be a catch, somewhere.

The truth is… there’s no catch. We are a team with only one goal—we want to tell the world that a better way to build products exists. And we want to bring this to as many companies as possible, as quickly as possible.

Our mission is to eliminate the unpredictable aspects of this volatile, very competitive, constantly evolving field, so you can focus on the actual uncertainties—your business.

Book a call today and become part of this revolutionary way to elevate your business.